Ghost Town

Ghost Town Of Mesa Diablo
Hunters Wash, New Mexico

7:18 PM

Ghost Town

The Train

The Train

The train travels anti-clockwise around the track and will trash any vehicles that get in it's way. It also pulls a couple of carriages, the last one (a flatbed) carrying a cargo of green crates. If you can get behind it, you a few well placed shots will release the crates, one at a time. Alternatively, if you throw enough firepower at the train it will explode, dropping all the crates in one go.

You can also have some fun by taking out one of the bridges in the level (the train has to cross both at some point.) Retreat to a safe distance and watch the engines and carriages plunge into the ravine - a word of warning though, the engine has a secondary explosion once it hits the ground.

The Tornado

The Tornado

For the most part, the tornado lurks in the canyon - if caught in it, you'll be picked up, suspended in the air for a while, then dropped back to earth with a crash. Good tactics include Cow-punching someone into it, then hitting them with combos like the crater-maker and buckshot. Just be sure and take a wide berth, they've got quite a catchment area.

Indian Camp

Indian Camp

Another minor feature, these areas often contain powerups, but be careful of the fire which can set you ablaze - since there's no water nearby to extinguish the flames!

Weapons & Powerup Spawn Points

Weapons & Powerup Spawn Points

A few powerups at the Indian Camp, but you should focus on the train, tracks and town. As mentioned, the train has a whole trailer full of specials, but the track itself has crates dotted at regular intervals. The town itself is not bad - for example, there's a wrench in the ironmonger - and there's lots of explore in the graveyard....



More an annoyance than a feature, tumbleweeds will stick to your vehicle and slow it down -worse if you're unfortunate enough to pick up a couple of them. They can't just keep away if you see them nearby.